Hello World!

This is the first blog post written on my lovely portfolio website. So lets very briefly explain how this website is constructed!

This website makes use of a program called Hugo allowing for me to create the website rather easily by writing markdown text files just like on github! Most of these texts are therefore written inside of online tool called Hackmd which is WYSIWYG editor for md files

All markdown files are then converted into static html pages for me to upload on my website, pretty nifty! No?

Besides that I have written my resume through a program called resume-cli aka JSONResume. A commandline tool that transforms a json file in a beautiful resume with any theme that you want, resulting in another beautifully static html page!

Long live the age of open source!

If you want to know more about me you could visit the [about] page! And what if you know what I do with my life? You can always check out the [Projects] page!

Now enjoy your beautiful day, and stay healthy!

~ Jaron Kuijper